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Corporate branding officer vacancy

But Scalia is 69 and recent Republican administrations have wanted to name younger people for the maximally longest impact. And Thomas reportedly has indicated that hes not interested, not to mention the fact that another confirmation battle for Clarence Thomas would be quite a donnybrook. MONTAGNE: So then who, if someone from outside the court? TOTENBERG: Well, theres a pretty well-agreed-upon short list of conservative lower court judges that the White House is believed to be looking at. These arent household names and some would be more controversial than others, but it seems to me that there are two basic ways that the White House is likely to look at this. One would be a purely ideological view; that is, to pick the person who would be the strongest intellectually and possibly most influential in an effort to make the court more conservative. And the other way to look at this is as a political opportunity. MONTAGNE: And when you say political opportunity, what do you mean? TOTENBERG: I mean to pick someone who is perhaps not a legal star, but is, for example, a Hispanic. MONTAGNE: And in that category, who are the names? TOTENBERG: Well, Corporate branding officer vacancy a 5th Circuit judge named Emilio Garza, very conservative, certainly qualified in Corporate branding officer vacancy terms, a pretty outspoken opponent of Roe vs. So I think you can see the benefits both for the presidents base and for the huge Hispanic vote that Republicans are trying to crack. And dont count out the attorney general, Alberto Gonzales, who has served as the presidents trusted adviser back to Mr. Bushs days as governor of Texas. MONTAGNE: But if President Bush wanted to go a different route, say really focus on a brilliant conservative legal star, who might that be? TOTENBERG: Well, the names most often mentioned are John Roberts, whos a judge on the Court of Appeals here in Washington. He has the added advantage of being both a known conservative commodity but something of a stealth candidate, since hes been on the DC court for less than two years, so there isnt much of a record for liberals to attack. Then theres Judge J. Michael Luttig, whos been a federal appeals court judge in Virginia for 15 years. Like Roberts, hes young, only 50 or maybe 51 by now. Like Roberts, hes a Corporate branding officer vacancy Supreme Court clerk and, like Roberts, hes viewed as very smart. But Luttig is seen as much more controversial, both because of his record of written opinions and because he ran Clarence Thomas confirmation hearing in 1991 after hed been confirmed as a judge on the 4th Circuit Court of Corporate branding officer vacancy and thats raised some questions among legal ethics experts. Then, too, theres Luttigs stellar judge on the 4th Circuit, J. Harvie Wilkinson, who is the former chief judge of that circuit, another brainy conservative. But Wilkinson is 60 and is viewed by some within the administration as less conservative than Luttig. Also on the short list is Michael McConnell, a widely respected conservative on the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals. Though his tenure on that court is relatively short, McConnell does have a long written record from his days as a law professor at the University of Chicago and University of Utah. He would likely have the support of both the religious rights groups and many liberals in the academic community who view him as open-minded and independent.

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